About us

Varietas is a small plant breeding company in Switzerland on the border of the canton Zürich and canton Aargau and Germany to the north.
We work mainly with wild and domesticated tomatoes and potatoes and some additional vegs. Our goal is to breed varieties that are more resistant to pests and have health benefits.
We specially work on «Functional Food» with higher levels of anthocyanins and carotenoids because of their cancer benefits.
Our varieties are bred mainly for the Organic and Permaculture market but that does not exclude them from being grown conventionally too.
We offer our clients adapted exclusive potato varieties that can be named and marketed under their own name.
More about it in our breeding services area.
Because plant breeding needs a broad base of varieties to work with, we have a big collection of several hundred old and special accessions we work with collected by ProSpecieRara and other European seed saver organisations as well as from collections like Gartersleben or Wageningen. Those are used as parents for our breeding projects and we hand out samples of those to interested parties for a contribution towards expenses in small quantities. If you are interested in those varieties, please inform us before we start harvesting end of August, so we can take some aside for you. The full list what’s normally available, is here. And the order slip here.
In the tomato area we offer some standard varieties, and additionally varieties with high anthocyanin levels too, varieties with black-aubergine coloured skin. The insides of those tomatoes can be white, yellow, red or brown depending on the wish of the customer.
Additionally, we are specialists for alternative and marginalized crops and how to grow them in temperate climates and like helping with forest garden projects, specially in regard to permaculture. Come visit our show garden for inspiration!
Due to our good interconnectedness with other experts in the field we are able to find and get even exotic plants and would love to design a project for you with those plants too!